As we all know, Prince Harry and Meghan Markle are now officially married, but is she worth being a princess?
Rachel Meghan Markle is an American former actress and now , a member of the British royal family. Prince Harry and Meghan broke a number of rules set by the Royal marriages act of 1772, which was followed sacredly by the Royal family for generation. According to the Royal Marriages Act of 1772, women had to be a virgins before marrying a royal. During the ancient times, a woman's virginity was considered to be sacred and as a testimony of purity. Virginity is greatly prized in christianity and most of other religions, losing a woman's virginity before marriage was a crime in christianity, when the end of the world was believed to be immient, virginity came to be seen as a liberating choice and a dedication to a higher, immortal life.
The monarch believe virginity mirrors purity. A woman with a gross mind, which is identified with the body, with the senses and with the sence appetites, is unfit to think of abstract and profound ideas and concepts. A mind that has become polluted becomes unfit and naturally spiritual life and practices are a far cry to that individual. This makes both Kate Middleton and Meghan Markle unfit to be taking the crown, well at least Kate didn't have any ex husbands when she got married to Prince William,Duke of Cambridge. Meghan was married to Trevor Engelson , but after their long relationship Meghan decided to get a divorce and get married to the young prince harry not even giving her first husband a chance to work things out.
"Once she decided you're not part of her life, she can be very cold. It's this shutdown mechanism she has."
Who wouldn't want to be a princess?! Well leaving a person for someone with money and power can also be called a ........! you know the word.
According to the Royal Family rule, a princess should always be dressed appropriately. The royals have a knack for being fashionable but that doesn't mean they can expose their body to the public, princess Diana used to cover up her cleavage with her bag while getting off the car. Meghan must be struggling right now in her castle. Princess Diana carried Myrtle- known as the herb of love, fertility and innocence, in her bouquet, and yeah, apparently Meghan did it too.
The British royal rules were created during the 18th century and some bizarre rules are still being followed, like you can't touch a royal. It's rumoured that the royal family can't be touched by non royals, and Kate's awkward reaction to LeBron James throwing his arm around her in a photo is a full-blown proof. And Meghan being half black and half white is not going to make Kate happy. If the Royal's can break alot of rules during this era, then they should really break the rules of untouchability.
Actress Meghan will be known as Her Royal Highness Princess Henry of Wales, using her husband's name- while any children born to the couple will be Lord or lady, not a prince or princess but if the Queen decides, the rules can be changed. What has this world become ? Was Harry tricked into this marriage? Was that really a royal wedding? Feel free to comment your thoughts below.
or maybe she is
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